Photo Gallery
The following are photos of some events that Dr. Adel has contributed in:
- The Meeting of Biblotica Alexanrina / Board of Trustees (BOT) , Cairo, Egypt, April 2014 (Photos)
- Prof. Dr. Adel El-Beltagy. The Main Architect of CGIAR Program (the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research) for CAC (Central Asia and the Caucasus) Regional Program. (Photos)
- The 10th Ministrial Meeting of CIHEAM, Algeria , February 2014 (Photos)
- Third Rice Congress "Rice science for food security through smallholder and Agri-business Development in Africa", Younde, Cameron, October 2013 (Photos)
- 11th
International Conference on Development of Drylands ICDD , Bejin, China, March 2013 (Photos)
- TWAS Rountable on "Science and Diplomacy : Central Europe Southern Mediterranean " , Budapest, April 2013 (Photos)
8th Annual Meeting "The Role of Science, Engineering and Technology in Achieving Sustainable Human Development in the Arab Region", Cairo , Egypt , December 2012 (Photos)
The Ministerial Meeting of CIHEAM, Malta, September 2012 (Photos)
- CIHEAM Governing Board Meeting, Marrakesh, Morocco, June 2012 (Photos)
- Biovision Alexandria , 2012
- Celebrating the Launch of Agriculture and Food Security, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, 2012 (Photos)
- Dr. El-Beltagy visit to CIHEAM Mediterranean Agronomic Institute in Montpellier, April 2011 (Photos)
GCARD - 2010 - The Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development, Montpellier, France, March 28-31, 2010 (Photos)
- The Sultan Qaboos 'First Class' Order for Culture, Sciences and Arts, May 2009 (Photos)
From Promises to Practice, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt, 2008 (Photos)
- GFAR Statutory Meetings , Bejin, China, 2007 (Photos)
- GFARTriennial Conference 2006, New Delhi, India (Photos)
- Tunisia & ICARDA 25 Years of Collaboration Celebration , Tunisia , March, 2006 (Photos)
4th World Water Forum, Mexico, March 16-22, 2006 (Photos)
Afghanistan Minister of Agriculture Launches “Healing Wounds”, May 2005 (Photos)
Honoring leaders of CAC NARS of their outstanding contributions, Eighth Steering Committee Meeting of the CGIAR Program for CAC, May 2005 (Photos)
The Eighth ICARDA-CAC Regional Coordination Meeting was held in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, 1-4 March 2005 (Photos)
- King Abdullah II of Jordan Honors ICARDA Director General, September 2005 (Photos)
- 'BARI-ICARDA Friendship Day' to celebrate BARI-ICARDA partnership, in Dhaka, Bangladish, 14 February 2004 (Photos)
- Regional Workshop on Palm Development in the Arabian Peninsula, Abu-Dhabi, 29-31 May 2004 (Photos)
- Regional Workshop on Agricultural Research Systems and Strategies in the GCC countries was organized by ICARDA-APRP, February 2004 (Photos)
- The World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), held in Johannesburg, 26 August to 4 September, 2002 (Photos)
- Regional Meetings (Photos)
- Miscellaneous at ICARDA Headquarters (Photos)