2014-2015 Chairman | Chairman of the team to prepare the Business Plan for Sustainable Agricultural Development Strategy (2030) for the period (2014-2018). |
2009-2011 Chairman | Chairman of the team to develop Sustainable Agricultural Development Strategy in Egypt (2030) and the Business Plan (2017). |
1996-2006 DG of ICARDA as Implementing Institution | Building
Bridges of Conference, Through Technical Dialogue "Regional Initiative for dryland Management" implemented by ICARDA funded by WB. Representative of the donor |
1984-1994 Egyptian General Coordinator, Member of Steering Committee | Integrated Agriculture Development Project. Maryut Agro‑Industrial Complex, supported by USAID. (Egypt ‑ USA ‑ Israel). |
1988‑1994 Supervisor | Joint Research and Development Project on Composite Water holding substances for Arid Land. Japan Desert Development Institute. R & D project funded by Desert Development Institute of Japan. |
1990‑1995 Director General | National Agricultural Research (NARP), Agricultural Research Center ARC, MOALR. A USAID Funded Project, with a budget of 205 million US$ and 250 million LE, established to enhance the capabilities of the ARC by improving human and physical infrastructural resources |
1990‑1995 National Project Coordinator | National Agricultural Genetic Engineering Laboratory (NAGEL). Financed by UNDP. |
1990‑1995 Egyptian General Coordinator | Desert Greenhouse Research Program (CALAR II), supported by USAID. (Egypt ‑ USA ‑ Israel). |
1989‑1994 Coordinator, Chairman of Egyptian Steering Committee | Joint Committee for Remote Sensing for Agriculture and Land Reclamation with members from the Soil and Water Research Institute (ARC), and the Remote Sensing Unit and Desert Research Center (DRC) within MOALR. Funded by UNDP ‑ CIDA ‑ France. |
1989‑1994 National Project Coordinator | Expert Systems for Improved Crop Management Project. Funded by UNDP ‑ FAO |
1991‑1993 Chairman of Egyptian Steering Committee | Regional Program for Nile Valley. Regional (Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan) activity coordinated by the International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Area (ICARDA) |
1990‑1993 Chairman of Egyptian Steering Committee | Egyptian—Finnish Project for Agricultural Development (Phase I), Supported by Finland. |
1989‑1994 Supervisor and Coordinator | Urban Encroachment Project. National Technical Committee (Ministry of Agriculture, Universities, Institutes and Research Centers). Revised and prepared up‑to‑date maps (1:2500) from aerial photographs in cooperation with the Egyptian Survey Authority for MOALR planning. |
1987‑1992 National Project Coordinator | Protected Cultivation Project, Funded by UNDP ‑ FAO. |
1987‑1991 National Project Coordinator | Fayoum Agricultural Development Project. Supported by IFAD and executed by World Bank |
1982‑1990 Egyptian General Coordinator, Principle Investigator | Cooperative Arid Land Agriculture Research Program (CALAR), supported by USAID. (Egypt ‑ USA ‑ Israel). |
1982‑1987 Principle Investigator, Member of Steering Committee | New Crops for Arid Land: National Academy of Science (USA) & Egyptian Academy of Science. Project funded by USAID. |
1977-1987 Principle Investigator | The Egyptian Norwegian Tomato Project (EGNO). Funded by NORAD, Norway and Ain Shams University |